El desafiant tractament de la llum, la precissió del dibuix, i la originalitat dels motius escollits, són els trets més destacats de la obra de Xavier Rodés. Malgrat ser un artista figuratiu, les seves pintures ofereixen una visió poc convencional del gènere del paisatge; atorgant-li més importancia a la composició i als aspectes cromàtics que a la mera descripció. Entre els seus temes predilectes hi destaquen les marines i escenenaris on la figura humana no hi apareix, però sí la seva empremta.


Xavier Rodés (1971) was born in Barcelona, CATALONIA (SPAIN). There he did Art studies at EINA College, where he carried out his Final Project on “Industrial and Urban Landscape”. Today lives and work at his home/studio in El Masnou, near Barcelona. The ground-breaking way to treat the light, the precision at drawing, and the original choice of themes, are particular highlighted in his works. Inspite of being a figurative artist, his paintings suggest non-conventional ideas, as he focuses on the composition, the chromatic harmony and other plastic features, rather than the mere description. Since 1996 he exhibited his works at many Galleries all around Spain, mostly at SALA PARÉS in Barcelona and ANSORENA Gallery in Madrid, and he has taken part in international Fairs such as Strasbourg, London, Madrid, etc… His paintings are present in many private and public collections, and lately he started a fruitful relationship with many galleries around the word: USA, France, Switzerland, Argentina. 




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